Discover the Bosworth Story
Journey through medieval England and discover the horrors of medieval warfare and how the Battle of Bosworth unfolded. Follow the fortunes of four characters: John the Archer, Colette the mercenary’s wife, Alice a young girl from Leicester & Lord Thomas Stanley and hear their stories during this turbulent time.

The Wars of the Roses Gallery
Discover the the 30 years of civil war that came before Bosworth , how the Royal family was split and their supporters paid a high price for their loyalty. Discover everyday life during 14 years of peace and meet John the archer who is practising with his bow….

The Journey to Bosworth Gallery
Find out why Richard III and Henry Tudor came to fight at Bosworth, discover how commanders communicated and recruited armies, what the soldiers ate and meet Colette the French mercenary’s wife and Alice from the White Boar Inn.

Preparing for battle
Discover how the different types of soldier fought at Bosworth and what weapons and armour they had. Meet Thomas Lord Stanley and see how John and Colette are getting on. Dress up as a medieval soldier or lady, have a go at arming the knight and make your own heraldry.

The Battle Rotunda
Discover what happened at the Battle with our exciting film and animated map table. experience fighting in a visored helmet and find out about artillery, horse armour and the Stanleys record at turning up at battles!

The Surgeon’s room
Discover how barber-surgeons worked on the wounded, including Colette’s husband, and explore a skeleton to find out more about it.

The Aftermath Gallery
Find out what happed just after the battle, with Henry’s crowning near Stoke Golding and Richard’s return to Leicester, dead and tied to a horse. Meet Thomas Stanley in his old age and discover if Henry’s uniting of the houses of York and Lancaster brought peace to the country.

The Tudor Rotunda
Meet the Tudor Kings and Queens and discover how their decisions and actions affected the country. See Henry VIII in his hunting outfit and two early Yeomen of the Guard uniform reconstructions.

The Tudor Legacy Gallery
Explore Tudor England and see what was new and what stayed the same. See real Leicestershire finds telling the story of the Protestant Reformation.

The Battlefield Quest Gallery
Discover how the location of Bosworth Battlefield was lost to history and rediscovered by years of careful research and archaeological survey. Refight the battle on our game table and see some of the Battlefield finds, including the largest collection of round shot from a medieval English battle.

The Two Kings Gallery
Our final gallery explores the reigns, deaths and legacies of Richard III and Henry VII and visitors can cast their vote for their preferred king and make a bookmark with either a boar or a dragon. The silver gilt Ricardian Boar badge is on display in this gallery, which has steps and a chairlift leading to it.
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